The Eagle Way No 3
All the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge are in Christ Jesus.
That all fullness dwells in Him Christ Jesus, the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. There is a fullness of wisdom in Him, as he has perfectly revealed the will of God to mankind. Beware; the treasures of wisdom are hidden not from us, but for us, in Christ.
Those who would be wise and knowing must make relevance to Christ. We must draw upon the accumulation which is laid up for us in Him, and draw from the treasures which are hidden in Him. He is the wisdom of God, and is of God made unto us wisdom.
“But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.” (1 Corinthians 1:30).
Righteousness: a term taken from the courts is God’s judicial determination to right every wrong. His gift to the guilty, which removes all condemnation, and puts them in a state of justification, including full acquittal from all charges against them.
Sanctification: is a symbol taken from the temple, showing the need for cleaning from pollution. It includes a renewal by the power of the Holy Spirit, which allows acceptance living before God and points to our ultimate perfection in His presence.
Redemption: taken from a background of slavery and debt, speaks of the freedom and final deliverance from all aspects of sin, including the resurrection of the body. That we may be free the soul from the very being of sin, and loose the body from the bonds of the grave: and what is designed in all, is that all flesh may glory in the Lord.
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