The Eagle Way No 2
Eagle’s were Born to Fly High
"But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)
When an eagle is kept in captivity even in large confines the eagles scarcely move off its perch. The eagle never flies but stares into the distance looking beyond the hills into the sky. The bondage is his cage and the mountain tops are his domain. His heart is in the sky soaring beyond but his body is perched in a cage. As we consider life’s restriction in a cage, we think of the bondage's many people in the church are restricted by in their daily life.
In Isaiah we are encouraged by what the prophet tells to do ‘wait upon the LORD,’ this will renew our strength, because then 'we will mount up like an eagle and soar.'
God will be our strength every morning. If at any time we have weakened, we shall recover as 'we wait on Him,' and so renew our strength. We will have strength to labour, strength to wrestle, strength to resist, strength to bear burdens. We will use this grace for godly purposes. Being strengthened, we shall soar upward, towards God.
‘We shall mount up with wings like eagles,’ so strongly, so high, so heavenly bound. In the strength of divine grace, ascending above the worldly issues, and even entering into a place of faith and trust in Him. We will press forward, towards heaven. We will walk, we will run, the way of God’s commandments, cheerfully and with enthusiasm (we shall not be weary), constantly in His presence. With renewed perseverance (we shall not faint); and in due season we shall reap. Be diligent in your waiting upon God, do not despair for timely, effectual relief, He comforts those who wait on Him.
Waiting on the Lord is the patient expectation that God will fulfil His promises in His Word and strengthen us to rise above life’s difficulties. It means for us to completely trust in God. God has created us to remain pure and holy and to be conformed to His image.
Every believer in Christ can experience renewal, as he lays aside those things that are inconsistent with the life Christ has called us to live by faith. As we run we will not be weary as we run we will not faint, stripped of all worldly anxiety and fears that would keep us from our intimacy with Him.
The Lord will renew our strength.
Seven ways of waiting on God:
1. Prayerfully; 2. Patiently; 3. Single – Mindedly;
4. Expectantly; 5. Longingly; 6. Quietly; 7. Continually.
Seven ways of waiting on God:
1. Prayerfully; 2. Patiently; 3. Single – Mindedly;
4. Expectantly; 5. Longingly; 6. Quietly; 7. Continually.
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